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Globally, women's economic power is soaring. Women make 80 percent of all buying decisions around the world. In the United States, for example:
American women by themselves are, in effect, the largest national” economy on earth,

larger than the entire Japanese economy.
• Over the past three decades (1970-1998), men’s median income barely budged (+0.6 percent after adjusting for inflation), while women’s has soared +63 percent.
•Women bring in half or more of the household income in the majority of the United States.
•Women control 51.3 percent of the private wealth in the United States.
•Women control most of the spending in the household - about 80 percent.

Still not convinced?
In The Power of the Purse: How Smart Businesses Are Adapting to the World’s Most Important Consumer -- Women, (Pearson/Prentice Hall 2006), author Fara Warner asserts that:

    • Women account for more than 50 percent of all stock ownership in the United States. By 2010, women will account for half the private wealth in the country, or about $14 trillion. By 2020, you can expect that number to reach $22 trillion as wealth continues to shift from men to women.

    • When women and men of equal education, abilities, and similar social status are compared, the pay disparity disappears. Those women make as much as, if not more than, their male counterparts. Forty-one percent of the 3.3 million Americans with incomes exceeding $500,000 are women.

    • Women control or influence 67 percent of household investment decisions. Forty-three percent of Americans with $500,000 or more in investable assets are women.

    • Women control 48 percent of estates worth more than $5 million.


This is just the tip of the iceberg. The largest wealth transfer in history is taking place as the Baby Boomers inherit from their parents. In turn, because women generally outlive their husbands, the family assets will become concentrated in the hands of Boomer women. Older women are increasingly single. There are 14 million single women older than 55 compared to only 4 million single men. Moreover, most women marry older men. As a result, nearly half of elderly women are widowed, compared with just l4 percent of elderly men.

In addition, there is a trend towards later marriages and reduced child bearing. In l960, 72% of women ages 20 to 24 were married. Today, 61% are not. The drop among those having babies is greater yet: 54% were mothers 30 years ago; now just 28% are. And, among high‑achieving women,  60 percent of executive women have no children (compared to 3 percent of their male counterparts) The combination of postponed or no marriage, increased education, and a commitment to a career rather than work, has enabled women to establish independence from their families. By  taking their  labor out of the delivery room  and  into  the marketplace women have set in place a dramatic  change  in  our society, the consequences of which will affect everyone  ‑‑  men and women, adults and children.






OUR economic power is truly revolutionary, representing the largest market opportunity in the world. Here are the numbers: Women control 65 percent of global spending and more than 80 percent of U.S. spending.  The World Bank predicts that the global income of women will grow by more than $5 trillion. In both emerging markets and developed nations, women's power of influence extends well beyond the traditional roles of family and education to government, business, and the environment .Women control more than 80 percent of U.S. spending.  This is just the start of a sweeping change. Women around the globe have more control over their life choices and path than ever before. In emerging markets, women are entering the workforce at lightning speed. With access to more choices, they are delaying marriage to increase their educational and career opportunities.


A WOMAN WILL BE  THE $10 BILL IN 2020 - Someone is trying to tell us someting!

The US Treasury is going to SPOTLIGHT a Woman on the $10.00 Bill in 2020, who will it be?


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