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Businesses MUST be on the internet or they will be OUT of business.

Robert Kiyosaki: "If your business in this 21st century is not on the internet, you will be out of business."

There are 1.9 Billion internet users and this is multiplying every day. Imagine what an online business can achieve with the proper strategies and techniques of internet marketing. In fact, large, medium and small enterprises are now taking consultation from internet marketers on how to grow their physical businesses online. With this next wave of businesses being setup online, those who fail to take massive action would be left behind.

In the new age of information technology, people are retreating more and more behind their computer. The reason is because a new lifestyle has emerged with people spending more time shopping, playing and socializing on the internet. Facebook and twitter have surpassed any form of conventional media advertising. In fact, Social Media marketing overtook Google in the total number of visitors.

There was a research done by “Alexa”, an analytic site which gives all the statistics of online users. According to its research, online users are spending a huge portion of their time hanging in Facebook. Each time before and after a user searches something on Google and goes to their designated website, they would be in Facebook. And since Facebook has half a billion users, most of the content on these websites will be featured inside Facebook. Hence, Facebook becomes the number one source for information on the internet instead of Google.

All in all, larger corporations, small and medium enterprises are now jumping onto this new and uprising bandwagon in order to reap the full benefits of this multi-billion dollar industry. People love the new convenience of purchasing online without the hassle of going through the traffic jam and suffering long queues in order to get what they need.

Looking at the bigger picture, multi faceted corporations such as Parkson, Starbucks and even Dell are expanding their dominance in the market using Social media to promote their brand and to expand their customer base. This would inevitably, increase their brand popularity and therefore improve Social Proofing.

Hence, the time has come for you to get involved or get left behind. The question is how are you going to grab a piece of this multi-billion dollar pie? Those who embrace change and adapt their businesses into this new wave would no doubt benefit from it. Once you have seen the light, there is no turning back.

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